Bone Garden System <3

Minor !! Bodily 15
Collectively call us Kris
Dx'd DID system with ADHD

Disclaimer: Systems are not here to explain their existence to you. It can often be triggering and is impolite to ask questions about someone's disorder caused by trauma. Please be mindful of that and do research if you plan to interact with systems.

One informational resource is below, otherwise you can always use google.

Hello we are the BoneGarden system! <3
we go by the collective name Kris or Ghost and collectively use they/them if we aren't sure who's front.
we are dx'd with DID and have 2 subsystems of osdd-1a

Our collective intrests include art and writing! we play the violin, piano, some ukelele and are also learning spanish. Other intrests specific to some of us are rollerblading, boxing, and collecting things.

Short known headmates list:

Azazel / Frisk - she/her - host
B - she/her - protector + co-host
Summer - she/her - caretaker
Scribbles - he/him - protector (Mute)
Olive - she/her - gatekeeper
Mare - she/it - persecutor
Techno - he/him - protector + fictive
Nightmare - he/it - Fictive + persecutor
Chara - they/them - academic alter
Rye - he/him - Little
Dream - he/him - Fictive + caretaker
Almond - he/him - fictive +emotion regulatr
Blue - he/him - soother + fictive
Ghost - he/him - fictive + trauma holder
Lovetta - she/her - fictive + /x protector
Rowen - they/them - social alter
Nyx - she/her - caretaker
ranboo - he/him - fictive
Yellow - she/her - [dormant]
Tommy - he/him - fictive + persecutor

If you want to know more about us, ask!

Tulpa/Endo/demo "systems" and their supporters ("Mixed-origins" included)
anyone younger than 14 or older than 21 unless we know you
bi/pan/ace exclutionists
ppl who make kys jokes or joke about killing themself or suicide in general
transmed, homophobics, zoophilies, MAPs and supporters, Ddlg/cgl
DSMP/MCYT anti's (more specifically anti's of introjects from that source)
We have heavy triggers, if you continue to talk about these triggers after we ask you not to we will block you for our safety worst of our triggers : Images or descriptions of deep water/oceans or talk of drowning. talk of suicide, self harm, or eating disorders. descriptive talk of car crashes, talk of asylums or mental institutions, and talk of SA or non-con.
we have DSMP and MCYT introjects
we have nonverbal and agere headmates
we aren't good at reading tone. we use tone tags and ask you to use them when necessary if you know how to

spotify : spoty duck
Instagram : @Disguisedmangoes
tiktok : @thebonegarden

Twitch : @disguisedmangoes
Steam : Xx_Azazel_xX
SimplyPlural : BoneGarden (friend req us!)